Stubbornly twisted rope
Hi all, rigging question for you. This twist has stubbornly persisted through two attempts to safely set up this backyard aerial rig for the season. The first time the twist showed up after finishing the initial setup, and on the second attempt we dead rigged some silks and used them to re-feed the rope completely through the pulley system. Everything looked great for a couple days, and now here it is again! Does anyone have any advice on how to address it? Long term I'm concerned about the friction the twist will cause.
Hi all, rigging question for you. This twist has stubbornly persisted through two attempts to safely set up this backyard aerial rig for the season. The first time the twist showed up after finishing the initial setup, and on the second attempt we dead rigged some silks and used them to re-feed the rope completely through the pulley system. Everything looked great for a couple days, and now here it is again! Does anyone have any advice on how to address it? Long term I'm concerned about the friction the twist will cause.