I have romantic feelings towards my f19 straight girl friend as a f19 bi woman
I genuinely do not know how to go about my feelings. Me 19f and my straight friend 19f are both in college. We known each other for about a year or so through a club. The very first time I saw her I was interested because of her physical attraction so I got to know her. Over the course of time we became friends and I found out she was straight so I brushed my feelings off. I really enjoyed our conversations together sharing deep personal stuff about each other and able to be myself around her too. And from time to time I would tease her about the idea of dating woman to entertain the idea. We would laugh about it but she would say at the end of the day she was straight. I think my feelings for her at the beginning were lust but over time I really fell in love with her personality. She is witty, charismatic, and I never have a dull moment with her. However now it's hard to ignore my growing feelings I have. I still enjoy being her friend but can't help the lingering romantic feelings with her. I really don't want to ruin our friendship but it pains me to keep it.
Should I tell her or wait for my feelings to die down?