My boyfriend 19M won’t do the only sex position that feels good for me 19F

In short, doggy like standard, popular doggy feels so good for me. Every other position we have done feels okay but definitely nothing getting me anywhere close. (We have communicated about this and have been trying to find ways to improve my experiences etc) but I’ve noticed and told him that doggy feels the best yet he says he can’t do it because his knees get so sore/he loses energy and it stops being enjoyable cause he’s in legit pain. So instead he does ‘prone bone’ (from behind but the boy lays flat on top of you who also lays flat and just moves his hips rather than thrusting sort of) and it just doesn’t feel as good. Even if I push us into doing doggy somehow he will lay down onto me after like 5 seconds. I’m torn because I don’t really want to do doggy so much if he’s not getting ANY pleasure from it or in pain. But I also do because it gives me the best experience. (Before anyone asks yes I have asked him his favourite position too but he just says all equally type of thing/can’t choose)