Where the fuck do people get their money from?
M22 I work as an AC unit technician so I'm always going from house to house (started 2 months ago). Keep in mind I live in a small european city in a 2nd world country. The company I work for is a small but very popular company amongst the contractors and rich people so I'm constantly working in penthouses, mansions and fancy apartments. I keep thinking to myself where the fuck do these people get all this wealth from? Like I'm sure they're working hard and that's all cool but being constantly around that crazy amount of wealth especially in a small city of a country where 90% of people are broke (including myself) coming home from work always leads in a feeling of "is everybody rich and I'm the only broke loser?" Then I go outside with a buddy of mine and he's always "getting his money" like WHERE BRO WHERE HOW WHO DO I CALL!?? I'm over here struggling to find a better paying job even the bottom of the bottom companies are ignoring my calls I can't even find a second part time job so atleast I make some money on the side. I'm not jealous, I'm just frustrated and I feel like I'm doing something wrong even though I'm working hard and doing my best. Anybody else feel a similar type of way? Idk maybe I'm just ranting talking out of my ass...