should i drop my accounting major????

sooo i recently failed my intermediate 1 accounting class. my exams are what really hurt my grade because i failed both the midterm and final. i am a HORRIBLE test taker and im not even exaggerating i have such bad test anxiety. i studied my ass off for my last final and put in probably the most time i ever have studying a subject---only for me to completely blank and forget everything during the exam. already had a C in the class from my midterm so it really fucked me up, dropping my grade from a 79 to a 67. first class i have ever failed. now i have to wait until next year to retake because my school is on quarters and they don't offer it until fall, so pushing my graduation date a quarter later.

it's funny because i originally picked accounting bc i liked the challenge, but now it seems I'm in way over my head. i really don't want to end up as another who switches to finance because actg is too hard. but I'm afraid that i may fail exams again and not be able to maintain my gpa for accounting :/

i have a big4 audit winter internship and tax summer internship(at a mid-size firm) lined up for next year because I'm trying to figure out what i like and which direction i want to go with my career. was planning on doing masters program and getting my CPA and everything. now i just... i don't know. i obviously don't want to give up, but i don't want to set myself up for failure and wasting more money. mind you i go to a hella expensive private school and am actively accruing thousands of $$ in debt.

i'd appreciate any thoughts or advice. feels like im having a mid life crisis (I'm only 21 lol)