No Escape - A Painting and Poem by Me

30\"x40\" Canvas

Feelings flow through me A vicious current consumes. Dragged to the depths By a raging whirlpool.

So fast and full of power To a place Unknown, Yet so familiar.

Is there light Beyond the dark?

Or do I just want there to be.

Pull me apart, Piece by painful piece.

It is my hope That buries me.

The rising Is only in My imagination.

Are we all just crazy?

The living definition of insanity.

Doing the same things again. Over and over again.

Feeling ourselves rise

Looking into Darkness And believing we see Light.

Seeing life, But never for how it is.

In order To carry on We tell ourselves "It's worth it."

Not for how things really are, But instead from the fantasies We convince ourselves of.

Only to be reminded That the visions are false.

I am told it gets better.

I mean, Maybe if you are lucky.

Or perhaps, You finally became Successful...

At gouging out your very own eyes!

So you can live inside the light That only exists In your mind.

Life is torture.

Some of us fight the dark, Knowing it is futile.

Some submit.

Others are consumed Without ever letting themselves Know it.

But no matter what...

There Is No Escape