Can someone suggest a major for me?
Hi! I am a junior in high school in need of advice about my major! If anyone has taken similar APs or Accels to me and has decided their major please let me know! My counselor is unhelpful and keeps suggesting that I go pre-med but I don’t want anything to do with the medical field. I have loved almost all of my classes but I feel stuck in a hole. I am interested in so many topics that it has been difficult for me to figure out what major is best for me. My favorite courses have been always been math and science related so I do know that I’d like to be in the STEM field. My favorite classes have been: Biology Accel, Chemistry Accel, AP Micro/Macro Econ, Computer Programming, AP Physics 1, and Engineering Accel. I am also very excited to take AP Chemistry and Biotech Engineering Accel next year. Any advice is greatly appreciated! I like hearing other peoples’ similar experiences too! Legitimately, I just need someone else to control my brain so I can make a decision. It’s stressing me out!!! Please help!!! Thank you!!!