AITAH for asking this of my parents when they moved in with me?
First off, I feel the need to mention my parents are not "old" to a point where this is asking too much of them. My dad is 50 and my mum is 52. I'm 30..
I moved out at age 24. I have my own house, my parents finally decided to downsize in recent times, they've bought a new house but it won't be ready for another 6 weeks. Thing is they've sold their house and the people are eager to get in, so my parents asked if for the next 6 weeks, can they move in with me as I have a spare room.
I said yes, I love my parents and we have a good relationship, them moving in for 6 weeks isn't an issue in itself in general, at all. They moved all their stuff into storage, then came with all their clothes and other bits they will need while living with me. When they came, I made dinner and we sat down to eat. My dad works, Monday's to Thurdays, and finishes his work days around 3pm, but my mum doesn't work, so she will mainly be here at my house the majority of the time.
While we were eating, I wanted to discuss something. I'm financially sound, so I wasn't asking them for money or anything like that while they are staying here, though my food bill will go up for the 6 weeks (as there will be three of us not just me) I didn't asked them to chip in for that. All I asked is that while they are here I wanted one of them to cook dinner for the three of us, and to help me keep the house clean, like chipping in with chores and stuff.
Now, I don't think thats a huge ask? But they suddenly acted like it was, they made comments like, "We raised you, we fed and cleaned up after you for years" To which I responded, "Yeah, because you are my parents, that was your job when I was a little kid. When I started high-school I started helping you, and then as soon as I got a job, you took some of my wages for rent, bills, food shop, stuff like that every month. I was still helping in cleaning your house, and there were nights where I made dinner. I'm basically asking the same of you in MY home, except for the money part. This isn't a hotel. You're not on vacation staying at my house. Everyone should do their bit? If anything, you guys are the ones who TAUGHT me that."
My dad got quiet, because he knew I was right. But my mum tried to keep pushing it a little, saying things like "I just want a nice relaxing 6 weeks without stress." I said "Mum, whats gonna be stressful about making some food, and picking up a cloth and spray, a hoover, a mop every other day while you're here? There's nothing stressful about that." To which she said "well if it ain't stressful, why can't you just do it all?" I got a little annoyed and said "I work from 8am till 6pm Monday to Friday. It'll be nice to come home and have a meal waiting for me, it'll be nice to just have a little help keeping my house clean and tidy while you're here so I dont have to just do it all the time. Its not a big ask."
She clicked her tongue at me, and my Dad finally just said "OK, fair." But they're not exactly thrilled about it.
AITAH for asking that of them? Because I don't think I am.