AITA for saying that my friend isn't pretty enough to be posted on my Instagram?
AITA for saying that my friend isn't pretty enough to be posted on my Instagram?
I, [18 F] recently made a friend, J, 17F. Last week, me and J both went to a mutual friends birthday party, and there we took a photo together. After the event, when I looked over the photo, I realized that she looked very unattractive. So, before I posted it, I decided to crop her out.
Hours after, I got messages from J asking why I did so - I explained that she didn't look pretty enough to be on my story, and that next time she should make an effort on her appearance. She suddenly got upset and blew up on me, saying that I made her feel insecure. She then told her friends, who agreed with her. Now I feel guilty - AITA?