AMITAH for dumping my boyfriend over going to the gym?
So i’m in a long distance relationship due to our careers and we live in VA and CA. So my boyfriend (27 M) and I (26 F) were already in a rough spot due to the distance but he verbally expressed his commitment to work through it. He flies out to me for a 4 day trip after not being physically together for the last year of our 6 year relationship and he spends a minimum of 2 hours during the day every day that he is there at the gym. It led to a huge argument because I got mad that he chose what little time we had together to figure things out to be spent at a gym lifting weights. Don’t get me wrong i like going to the gym and I think for someone to be be dedicated to a healthy lifestyle is wonderful. However, he cannot hold anything even near the priority level he holds getting a workout in. Almost to the point where it is obsessive.
I had taken 2 of the 4 days that he would be there off of work which I technically wasn’t supposed to do because I was still in my probationary period so that we were have plenty of time together and could talk about where we wanted to go with our relationship. With the way the year apart had gone, this 4 day trip would have either been a hard vow to work through it or we would break up and say we tried our best. We never got to have the talk we needed so i broke it off the last day when he got back from the gym because he couldn’t get over his gluttonous obsession for 4 days to have important conversation.