AITA for stealing what I’m owed?

I work at a convenience store night shift from 12:00 AM to 8:00 AM (at least the “official hours”)

The problem is that my boss always keeps me till around 8:30 every single day, without paying me extra. At first I thought it was just the first few days so that I can learn the job better, but this has going on for almost 2 years now.

Within the first 6 months she was also paying me below minimum wage, especially as a night shift. Unfortunately I only realized it after all this time because this is my first job and I genuinely didn’t know.

She has increased my salary to minimum wage now, but I feel like she still owes me money for all the overtime and the less pay I was been given for all this time.

And that is why I decided to start stealing money from the register, around 6€ per day so that she doesn’t notice. I know I will never be able to fully repay back my self, but at least it’s something for now.

What do you guys think?