AITA for being hurt my wife has been keeping things from me about my daughter?

I was a single father to my daughter (13 F) for most of her life. I married my wife, her step mom, 2 years ago and they get along great. However, I made it clear to my wife that this is my daughter and I have the final say so when it comes to parenting. This has largely not been an issue since we have been in agreement on most things.

I have had “the talk” with my daughter before and told her about the birds and the bees. I also know my daughter is at the age women begin their cycle and told her even though I’m her Dad she can come to me when that begins. This conversation happened last year.

My daughter wasn’t feeling well and running a fever, so I took her to the local clinic without my wife. The nurse asked my daughter what was the date of my daughter’s last period and I told the nurse my daughter hasn’t started her period. My daughter then corrected me and told the nurse the date. I was surprised because my daughter never came to me to tell me this. After we left the clinic, I asked my daughter why didn’t she tell me this information and she said she felt weird talking to me about it and instead told my wife when she got it. 

I confronted my wife on why she had been keeping this from me for a while and I told her I need to know my daughter’s medical information. She told me my daughter didn’t feel comfortable talking about her period with me and it was between “us girls” as she put it. I’ve been hurt by this. This is my daughter and I feel like they have a secret girls club and she is hiding things about my own child from me. I’ve been distant with my wife since then.