Help with buying someone a bra pls
I'm caring for my mom and we need to get her a bra and I have no experience and it's easier for me to ask reddit than anyone in person. Please help :)
She's got a big back and a handsomely-sizeable rack to go with it. This, among many other features, makes her a delight to hug
Is underwire better? I'd suppose not but 🤷🏻
What do you wear to a bra fitting appointment? Do you get your preciousnesses out for assessment?
How do I work out her cup size? I guess it's gonna be like bountiful ddoubles but I dunno if D or f or g 🤷🏻
I think I get how to do the undercut sizing, like, the numbers, but any tips appreciated!
Anything else you think I should think about? Any other tips?
We're in UK if that helps
Thank you for your help!