Honeymoon Arc Thoughts
So, I finally got around to watching the two honeymoon arc specials and... I think they just weren't very good.
It felt like nothing really happened. I know they were just the specials as a little something extra after the finale of the movie, but I was expecting more than we got.
I will freely admit that Yotsuba wasn't my first choice to be the bride, but once the decision was made I was fine with it and wanted to see how things went with them, but they basically spent about 5 minutes of screen time alone together. So there was no real development of their relationship, and there was no drama or even much comedy from the other quints either.
The storyline with Lily was meh, mostly because I didn't care about her character. If they were going to have someone in that role why not just have Futarou's sister?
The stuff with the quints' dad seemed like it was missing something too, like there was going to be a story there and it was cut for some reason.
The only redeeming part was the end with the quints learning to fight their own battles, which was quite a nice scene, but I feel like that was already somewhat done before the wedding with everyone going down the career path they want. I still liked what they did here but it wasn't enough to make the the whole honeymoon arc worth it.
Overall, a bit of a disappointment. Of course it's nice to see more of the quints, but honestly I think I woud have preferred it to just end at the movie if this is all we're going to get.