We need Republicans on our side to win this
Congress can do a lot to stop this transformation of America, but it requires consensus to do it. Republicans are not willing to stand up and protect democracy but if they did, this is King Trump problem can be resolved rather quickly.
I've heard stories from reporters that many Republican representatives admit privately that they do not like or agree with Trump. Publicly, they will always support him because they fear Trump and the MAGA movement will successfully contest them in their next primary. They're cowards.
Despite that, we need these Republican reps to turn on Trump. It's the clearest way to win. They fear going against Trump. They need a greater fear of going along with Trump. We need to get their own constituents, Republicans, calling them, emailing them, yelling at them at town halls, and every other form of harassment to get them to flip.
They think they're damned if they don't support Trump, they need to know that they're damned if they do.