How does the Imperium handle the transition between planetary to interplanetary expertise?

Recently I've been thinking over what non-combat personnel a newly formed regiment would include (think cooks/medicae/logistics officers etc). When it came to the topic of logistics I wondered at what point the transition between working across a planet to acquire resources to working across a sector would take place and how you would foster the expertise to do this. For example:

The setup - Our fictional regiment is formed on planet A and they need to get to planet B to assist the local rulers in putting down a minor rebellion. Planet B is 5 months away +/- warp shenanigans. We know some regiment are formed from the top X% of PDF and some are adhoc as required, lets assume these come from a world with PDF and have some structure in place already.

The problem - Our regiment could take supplies with them, food, ammunition, spare parts etc to last the 5 months + length of the campaign. But once our regiment gets to Planet B how do they efficiently source ongoing supplies given that all their knowledge up until that point would have been based on working around their home planet?

Potential answers - There's not really a right answer given 'the Imperium is big and anything could be happening' but I'd kind of like to hear your headcanon or potential answers. Would you expect most regiments to go to a sector staging point as their first stop? Would they get representatives on the Munitorum assigned to them on their founding in a ceremonial manner? Would a regiment have political officers whose sole job is to hound the local theater they're going to for supplies? Are these problems exacerbated for regiments from low tech worlds?

Look forward for some theories to consider, thanks!