PSA: Prusa (Printables) is linking their new "Open in OrcaSlicer" downloads to a fake site.

TL;DR, I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this but for safety purposes and to make aware, I'm making this post.

Basically, for those who don't know, Printables (a service owned by Prusa) has recently introduced a new function called "Open in OrcaSlicer" which basically opens a model into the slicer. Now you might be thinking why I'm making a big deal out of it, but it leads to a fake download site.

Part of the email I sent.

The badware block by Origin.

You can see in this GIF, when I click the link, it redirects me to this uBlock Origin (with default blocklists)
popup. It is a badware and malvertising risk. But, there is something else.

When you go to the OFFICIAL OrcaSlicer GitHub, you can see a message that contains this above. ^^

So this means that Prusa is practically redirecting users to a possible badware/malvertising risk along with potentially malicious content, PLUS an unofficial site that cons could possibly profit off of. This also means that they barely took and time to do some actual research into it.

But here is the weird part:
Normally Prusa is known for their fast and good support with response times. I have sent an email to them ([email protected]) almost 2 weeks ago, with it being left unresponded, containing a similar message to here. I made sure to state the risks and stuff similar to whats in this post.

But yes, this is mainly a PSA but also a callout post to Prusa for lacking and doing some pretty basic research. The official site for Orca is for those who are wondering. Do not go to any of the sites that were in the image above. Anyways, I'm out.