Bots Dropping 15m gold stack in Varrock West Bank upstairs in F2P Total Level worlds.
After seeing a video on YouTube by either Sir Pugger or KempQ (I forget who) about bots being in the upstairs Varrock West Bank I was intrigued. I play on mobile so I’m currently just in F2P smithing for idle profit.
I was on world 419 and noticed “players” going up and down the ladder. Decided to check it out. Noticed 3-4 bots making trips up and down around a “player” in dragon armor with a whip (just like the video). I decided to stay and watch and even jokingly said “bot check” with no responses given. Imagine my shock when I saw a 15m gold cash stack appear on the floor.
I waited around as the “players” were still coming up and down. 3 more stacks were dropped 2 of which I was able to pickup. I let my CC know what was going on. After the first CC member showed up the drops stopped. I even started a video to try and catch proof of the gold drops. No more happened and all the “players” either logged out or went downstairs.
Below are two videos of these incidents. You will notice the player “yurkledurkle” (or something like that, not exact on the spelling) appear in both videos. These videos are on different worlds within a 15 minute time frame, meaning they simply change worlds or locations to continue the RWT/Muling.
Unfortunately since I’m a mobile player who has removed player options I am unable to report these accounts in game as nothing I do in setting gives trade/follow/report options back currently.
Keep an eye out and report these bots when you see it happening, you might even be able to earn a quick few million just for checking this location if they are currently doing it.