What am I missing?
Hello 100 Gecs people, I have a question about this band...I am an usher at a major concert venue, which I did largely to see more different acts than I would ordinarily and be exposed to stuff I wouldn't be otherwise. This included a Boy Genius concert where 100 Gecs was the second of three bands playing that night. I will admit it was my least favorite thing that I heard this year out of more than a dozen concerts of various genres. Later in a conversation with a younger usher, she said that it was the sort of thing one puts on when hanging out with some friends to be cheeky more than for simple listening pleasure. I kind of understand that, I guess...maybe...sorta. In the interest of not condemning them out of hand for lack of understanding, I figured I'd pop in to ask you folks what's up. I genuinely want to know. What do people like about this music?
Edit: Just want to let you know I appreciate the feedback here. Thanks folks! This being the internet, it could have gone sideways in so many ways.